Few people have the time to hit the gym regularly every week; coupled with our mostly sedentary lifestyle, this means that our bodies soon develop high cholesterol levels, high sugar levels and high blood pressure because our bodies cannot burn the extra calories we receive from food. If anything, we should be exercising more now than before because we consume a diet full of synthesized nutrients and rich in calories the way our grandparents never did. With our extremely busy lives, we cannot exercise too much or too regularly anymore, but here’s the thing: we don’t have to. There are other, easier, ways to combat sickness and be healthy – a more high tech way to receive all your nutrients, vital greens and fat burning exercise. Visit this link https://pranaon.com/inner-health-products/ for more info on vital greens.
Here’s how:
Food Technology
There is such a thing as food technology and it has nothing to do with how much salt you add to your meat. Food tech is all about using all the knowledge and skill of modern technology to improve our diets. Healthy balanced meals take ages to prepare because the ingredients have to be fresh, freshly prepared, and eaten within a few minutes of being cooked in order to release its maximum benefits. This takes time that we don’t have. Instead, use a protein powder for weight loss that will give you that protein boost in the morning to get your metabolism kick started, minus the guilt of also ingesting fat and grease along with it (think fried eggs and sausages). Technology has allowed companies to make shakes and powders specific to different food choices, so if you want vegan, gluten free or calibrated ones for high intensity, you only need ask.
Mechanical Engineering
The marvels of mechanical engineering know no bounds. For people who simply don’t have the time to go jogging, you can invest in a running machine that will help you do the mileage right at home. The expensive models even have features that can customize the terrain by adjusting the =height o the running platform and the texture of the conveyor belt. For those who cannot even afford those 30 minutes of their time, there are vibrating cuffs that wrap around your torso, biceps, thighs, calves etc. and then move the muscles in such a way that that particular body part receives exercise.
Mind you, this will never beat jogging or swimming (which uses the entire body in concert), but if you want a hard core and you don’t have time to do planks or push ups, then this might be the solution for you. So don’t hate on technology simply because it takes up so much of our lives. Go make it work for you.